Thursday, October 13, 2011

Halloween Tree

For all of the stuff I do every day I'm actually pretty lazy. And the holidays don't help matters. I love Love LOVE!!!! decorating. It's so exciting and the anticipation for the holiday or the event nearly drives me crazy, but putting decorations away is one of the worst chores of all time. I mean don't you hate taking your Christmas tree up and down every year??? I certainly do! It's a pain in my booty because I can't even reach the top of the tree! Setting it up ends in tears and taking it down ends with me getting whacked in the head with the top third. With quite the predicament on my hands there had to be a better solution then storage... My answer? LEAVE THE TREE UP ALL YEAR!!!!!!!!

Some may say "Blasphemy! You can't do that!"

To which I say "You betch yer booty I can!!!" All you have to do is change the decorations depending on the holiday! And that's how my Halloween Tree came to be! and for the record it looks phenomenal...

But don't be jealous you can have your own! See for yourself below!'s true there are some bald spots. But I'm a girl on a budget what can I say. This is demonstrated by my poor garland which only made it around the tree twice...and that's not even a full two wraps all the way around. It's more of a zig zag around the parts people can actually see (shhhh...don't tell anyone ;) ). My mom gave me a bunch of halloween "ornaments" (really just little stuffed animals with strings attached to them) that are hung on there and some Halloween lollipops from Pier 1. SO CUTE! they are my favorite part. I also tossed some decoration leaves on the tree for a little bit of color, and finally covered it in the fake spider webs! To be honest...I'm a little nervous that's not going to come off very well. I guess we will find out about Thanksgiving time when I get around to redecorating it!

Here is another picture close up. When I used the flash the green overpowered the thin parts of the cob web. It looks like there isn't much there, but there actually is. When making your own the more webbing you use the spookier it looks!

That pumpkin in the middle is one of the lollipops I stuck in. And we can't forget the Dallas Cowboys ornament thrown in for good measure during football season.

All in all I was really happy with how it came out. But like I said the spider web is really what adds a lot of effect it just didn't come up well in a picture!

A lot of stores have actual ornaments I know for sure Pier 1 does and I'm sure Michael's and Joann's do too......I hear all of you running to your garages and attics to pull down your christmas trees! Be creative tons of decorations can be substitute ornaments, so you really don't have to buy much at all.  Caution tape anyone? or those construction paper chains you made in second grade? Both would be excellent garlands.

If you do decide to make your own tree let me know how it turns out!

Countdown to Halloween: 19

1 comment:

  1. This is so adorable! I love the idea. I want a fabulous and sparkly New Year's tree now!
