Monday, January 27, 2014

Chicken Poblano Risotto

Being from Texas I love all things spicy. Really the spicier the better. I even ate a habanero pepper just to get a free drink at Freebirds. It wasn't so bad but I'm pretty sure I drank two large big reds before i could even touch my food ;). But despite my love of spice not everyone agrees, which can make cooking certain dishes tricky.

It can be hard to find a way to find the spice you are looking for especially when cooking for a group of people or a significant other who may not like as much spice. This recipe is a good compromise. It packs a little bit of a punch, but it's relatively mild and you aren't trying to gulp down your beverage to compensate. (P.S. rumor has it that milk is the way to soothe those burning mouths).

From a practical cooking standpoint I won't lie to you, risotto, while easy to make, can take some time because it has to absorb all of the fluids you add to it. Still, it's a pretty easy weeknight meal and it tastes great leftover, so make a big batch!  Just remember to be patient, it won't absorb it all at once.

Today's recipe is one I found from Chika, a fellow blogspot user at For the Love of Dessert, and I'm obsessed with it! She was seriously a genius for coming up with this recipe.

When using other people's recipes I generally try to add a little bit of my own flair. So in this case I changed the chicken up just a tad. She used some frozen chicken fingers. I personally prefer to cook my own chicken, so I have adapted the recipe for you to cook chicken with some cayenne pepper to give it a little extra something something. But head on over to her site if you want to see how she incorporated her chicken.

One last side note before I get to the recipe. THIS IS A REALLY GREAT MAN RECIPE. There is zero reason boys would not eat this. Do they think risotto is too fancy? Just call risotto rice and they'll never know the difference...If you're having people over to eat for the Superbowl this is really great alternative to finger foods and chili. (Not to say those aren't fantastic options as well)(p.s. Go Seahawks! just this once).

Chicken Poblano Risotto
(Serves 4 and takes about an hour to make) 
1 lb. Raw chicken tenders
Olive oil
Cayenne Pepper
Salt & Pepper
4 C. of chicken broth
Crushed red pepper flakes
1 large poblano pepper, chopped
1 Tbsp. chili powder
3 green onions, diced
 1 1/2 C. Arborio Rice
1/2 C. pinot grigio**
1 C. Parmesan shredded

**I like the middle sister brand to cook with!

 Step 1: Chop the chicken tenders into bite size squares. Sprinkle them with salt, pepper, and the cayenne pepper. (be generous with the cayenne). Heat 1 Tbsp. of olive oil in a high sided skillet on medium high heat. Then add the chicken. Cook until all sides of the chicken turn white. Cut into one to make sure the inside is not pink.

Step 2: Remove the chicken and place on a plate for later. In the same pan Heat some more olive oil and add red pepper flakes and poblano pepper. (About 1 tsp. of the red pepper flakes). Cook until the pepper is soft and fragrant.

Step 3: Boil the chicken broth in a small sauce pan. Once it begins to boil turn the heat down to a simmer.

Step 4: Pour the poblano peppers onto the chicken. continuing to use the same pan heat a little bit more olive oil, the green onions, 2 tsp. red pepper flakes and the chili powder. Cook until fragrant and the green onion is soft. 

Step 5: Add the rice and coat in the olive oil mixture. Then add the white wine, and stir until all of the wine has been absorbed into the rice. 
Step 6: Begin adding the chicken broth a little at a time. Stir continuously after each addition. Once all of the chicken broth has been absorbed add some more. Repeat until all of the broth is absorbed by the rice.

Step 7: Add the Parmesan cheese, and then add the chicken and poblano pepper back into the rice mixture. Then enjoy! You can garnish with more red pepper flakes if desired.

I paired this with a salad and one of the Shiner cheer beers I've stocked up on ;) It's amazing and I hope you like it!

Happy Eating!!!


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